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Patient Story: From Dog Dodger to Dog Cuddler

By March 22, 2024May 10th, 2024Patient Stories

Interview of: Ziva L., age 9
By Her Mother: Rachel L.

How did you used to feel when you saw a dog?
Ultimate scared.

Why was this a problem for you?
Because everyone in the neighborhood likes to walk their dogs. I would have to dodge dogs while walking around. Also, my sibling dog sits and I was really scared. I wouldn’t leave my room and I would scream any time I needed to go somewhere because I was afraid. Going over to a friend’s house with a dog was terrifying.

How did you feel when you met Jillian?
Jillian was super nice.

Were you automatically not afraid of dogs anymore?
No. It took a long time, but it worked.

What were some of your assignments you had to do?
I had to go on walks and pet dogs. I had to pet Rooney (Jillian’s dog). I want to go back and pet Rooney!

Was it hard?
Yes, at first. But then I wasn’t scared.

How do you feel about dogs now?
Dogs are wonderful, fluffy, and cute. I’m in love with dogs. I love Jillian, she’s so nice. Dogs make me happy.