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Summertime, Social Media & Anxiety

By April 24, 2019April 6th, 2021Blogs, Jasmine Jeter, B.S.

Summer is right around the corner! With the hot weather fast approaching, so does pool time vacations, beach trips, and those two dreadful words…bathing suits. In today’s social media world, it is very easy to become discouraged after seeing Instagram models, and what today’s society has constructed as the “perfect body.” This can cause anxiety, specifically social anxiety and body dysmorphic issues.

Here are a few ways to not let your anxiety get the best of your summer.

Social media is a facade. Everyone chooses to put the best version of their life on social media and not the real version. So you are not alone when you feel discouraged if you’re not jet-setting to the other side of the world, or if you don’t look a certain way in a swimsuit.

Go outside and enjoy nature as is. You don’t have to be somewhere else to enjoy what’s outside. While you’re outside, this is also a good time to unplug! Stay off your phone to fully embrace the warm weather and outdoors. This will take the pressures of social media off of your mind, help you realize what actually matters in reality, and help you to feel genuinely happy.

Pick the right suit for you, not that trendy one! Pick a swimsuit that will make you feel comfortable, but confident at the same time. If you pick something you know you can rock, you have a better chance of getting out there to soak up the sun.

You are not the only one who might feel insecure. Talk to a friend, family member, or therapist about what you’re feeling because they can help you work through it. Ask your friends to help you plan a fun summer day, maybe even out of your comfort zone! In fact, the more you do what makes you uncomfortable, the less discomfort you’ll feel overtime. This is the essence of exposure therapy! So get out there and take advantage of the best time of the year before it passes you by!